Bill Mahomes ’69 Elected Chairman of Board of Regents

BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION, Texas — The Texas A&M University System Board of Regents on Wednesday elected William “Bill” Mahomes Jr. of Dallas as chairman and Robert L. “Bob” Albritton of Fort Worth as vice chairman.
Both Mahomes ’69 and Albritton ‘71 were appointed to the Board of Regents in 2015 by Gov. Greg Abbott, and they were reappointed in 2021. Mahomes has served as vice chairman for the past two years.
“I appreciate the confidence my colleagues on the Board of Regents placed in me today as well as the trust Governor Abbott has shown me,” Mahomes said. “I am honored to lead this board as we strive to help advance teaching, research and service in every corner of Texas.”
In Dallas, Mahomes was Executive Vice President and General Counsel at Vista Bank until earlier this year. He now serves on the Vista Bank Board of Directors as well as the Advisory Board of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Texas. He is Of Counsel at Bracewell LLP, where his specialties include legal transactions involving public finance, real estate and public policy.
Mahomes grew up in Lindale, Texas, and became a first-generation college student. He graduated with a bachelor’s in business from Texas A&M before earning his law degree in 1972 at the University of Texas.
He was the first black student to graduate after four years in the Texas A&M Corps of Cadets, and he has reached several such milestones during his legal career and service on numerous corporate and civic boards.
“I’ve never thought that being the first was especially important, even though I understand why others mark its significance,” Mahomes said. “My perspective is always to stay focused on doing my best, making a positive impact and ensuring better opportunities for the next generation.”
Mahomes is the second African-American to serve as chairman of the Board of Regents. Bill Jones ’81 of Austin served as chairman 2007-2009.
The telephonic meeting Wednesday was a first for the newest members of the Board of Regents: David Baggett of Houston, John Bellinger of San Antonio and Sam Torn of Houston were confirmed by the Senate a week earlier. Their six-year terms expire in 2029.
They replaced three former board chairmen whose terms had expired: Tim Leach of Midland, Elaine Mendoza of San Antonio and Cliff Thomas of Victoria.
The leadership of board committees was also announced:
- Mike Hernandez, Audit
- Mike Plank, Academic and Student Affairs
- Jay Graham, Finance
- Randy Brooks, Buildings and Physical Plant
About The Texas A&M University System
The Texas A&M University System is one of the largest systems of higher education in the nation, with a budget of $7.2 billion. Through a statewide network of 11 universities, a comprehensive health science center, eight state agencies, and the RELLIS Campus, the Texas A&M System educates more than 152,000 students and makes more than 24 million additional educational contacts through service and outreach programs each year. System-wide, research and development expenditures exceed $1 billion and help drive the state’s economy.
Contact: Laylan Copelin
Vice Chancellor of Marketing and Communications
(979) 458-6425
(512) 289-2782 cell