Texas A&M System Regents Approve Research and Innovation Security and Competitiveness Institute

The Texas A&M University System News Release image header. Office of Marketing Communications. 979-458-6023

BRYAN-COLLEGE STATION, Texas – The Texas A&M University System Board of Regents approved the creation of the Research and Innovation Security and Competitiveness Institute at its November meeting.

Led by Kevin Gamache, Ph.D., Associate Vice Chancellor and Chief Research Security Officer at the Texas A&M System, the institute will serve as a leading resource for securing the research enterprise and protecting the strength of our academic and industrial research communities. The institute will employ the latest strategies to protect the more than $1.2 billion annual research enterprise at the Texas A&M System, as well as develop new methods to address the dynamic challenges and threats faced by institutes of higher education and commercial industries.

“We take security very seriously at the Texas A&M System, especially regarding the research we do for the federal government,” John Sharp, Chancellor of the Texas A&M System, said. “Kevin Gamache and his team are the best in the business. They are dedicated to protecting the sensitive research on Texas A&M System campuses. Still, they also are eager to help other universities keep their research from falling into the hands of the wrong people.”

The institute will focus on education, training, service, outreach and research. RISC will also advance several of the Texas A&M System’s strategic imperatives, including developing educational experiences and service opportunities for students; safeguarding our robust, cross-institution, and targeted research portfolio; and protecting the strength of our state and national economies.

“Protecting sensitive research data and technologies is a global challenge for public and private organizations. The RISC Institute will serve as a benchmark for creating and implementing the highest standards in research security for academic, corporate, and government research enterprises.” Gamache explained.

About The Texas A&M University System
The Texas A&M University System is one of the largest systems of higher education in the nation, with a budget of $7.8 billion. Through a statewide network of 11 universities, a comprehensive health science center, eight state agencies, and the RELLIS Campus, the Texas A&M System educates more than 153,000 students and makes more than 23 million additional educational contacts through service and outreach programs each year. System-wide, research and development expenditures exceed $1 billion and help drive the state’s economy.

Contact: Laylan Copelin
Vice Chancellor of Marketing and Communications
(979) 458-6425
(512) 289-2782 cell

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